The Healthiest Seniors

You were born perfectly healthy. So what happened?

On this site you will find little known, up-to-date, science-based information on senior’s wellness, cancer, and other maladies that you can share with your medical professional and, hopefully, be or become one of the healthiest seniors.

Questions are always welcome.

Ninety-six to ninety-seven percent of us are born perfectly healthy.* As we grow up we learn what to eat and enjoy from our parents or caregivers. Our parents or caregivers learned the same way from their parents or caregivers. 

What our predecessors learned or were taught was not usually based on current nutritional science and surely they were not mindful of the impact that food choices would have on later-life health consequences. The same is true for you and me. So because a parent or caregiver develops a particular malady we assume that we will develop it too. We believe that that is our genetic predisposition. 

But that is not the definition of genetic predisposition. In fact, genetic predisposition is described as a genetic variation inherited from a parent. Genetic variations occur in only three to four percent of babies born.* Note, a comment by Dr. Oz, “genetics loads the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger.”

Lifestyle and food choices are the triggers for late life degenerative diseases. Nutritional deficiencies are cumulative and manifest as degenerative diseases as we age. 

A lifetime of uninformed food and lifestyle choices learned from a parent or caregiver will likely result in the manifestation of the same degenerative diseases as they developed over time.  

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* Source: Emory University, Department of Human Genetics.